Sunday, June 8, 2008

Look Who Arrived!

Yes, Clancy has finally made it home. He was supposed to arrive on Friday, but due to the heat wave we're having here in the Carolinas, he arrived late Wednesday night to avoid traveling in those conditions.

Things are going REEEEALLLY well so far. He is just the sweetest, calmest, smartest, and most well-behaved puppy I've met. We couldn't have asked for more.


  1. I was just sitting here reading blogs and thinking that you hadn't posted in awhile (I've been curious about Clancy!!). Then POP there you are with 2 posts! Cool.

    He is SOOO cute! I have been looking for an additional dog and have been looking into GoldenDoodles. I look forward to more pics and posts about him!

  2. Clancy is adorable! I just want to snuggle that cute widdle thing! I'm sure you will love and enjoy Clancy more and more every day and will spoil him rotten! :o)

  3. He's very cute! We just got a new doggy too. His name is Buster, he's a Cairn Terrier, and we got him from the Wake County Animal Shelter. We're also feeling lucky because he is so calm with the kids. I think Goldendoodles are really cute - and also the Goldensetters! Of course that poodle part will be nice for less shedding hopefully! After we got Buster, I found out the Cairn is a low shedding dog too! Yay! Clancy is really adorable, I think he was a good choice!

  4. Hi! I just wanted to come and visit- I'm in the Doll Quilt Swap and have been since the first round. It is fun and can be a bit nreve wracking until you get a firm grasp on what your person likes- I would rather not always have it be a seret but that's what makes it exciting! So great to see a guy quilting! Does your wife quilt also? Anyway! Good luck with the puppy, (who is gorgeous!) and the baby quilt and the swap! You've got your hands full for sure!
    Happy Sewing!
    calamity kim
    (I used to live in Asheville NC and miss it fierce!)

  5. oh my goodness he is beautiful. he looks so calm (unlike my labrador). I hope your children enjoy the experience of having a new family member

  6. How cute! I hope all is still going well with Clancy. He's adorable!

  7. So cute! I can see the golden in him but also the poodle. Our golden puppy Axl was 17 weeks yesterday. Doing well with the house training and using the dog door. Consistency and lots of love. Goldens love their people!
