Monday, August 18, 2008

Laid Up

I'm writing this on Sunday but setting it to post on Monday morning at 9:30 AM ... about the time that my double knee surgery (!!!) will be starting!

I've got torn meniscus tissue in both knees and have opted to have them both scoped at the same time. Shouldn't be a big deal, but I expect to be laid up (and full of Vicodin) for a few days. I wish I could say I'm not nervous ... but I kinda am. I've never been 'put under' before.

So I may be quiet for a while with posts (since I won't be making much of anything to share for a week or two), but I will probably be on the internet 24/7 since there won't be much else to do ... so I'll still be visiting all of your blogs and probably commenting more than usual! Please pass along any movie, TV show, web site, blog, etc. recommendations that you might have for someone who will be horizontal for the next week or so.

A few updates ('cuz I know the swap mamas are checking!):

  • My Doll Quilt Swap quilt is quilted and the binding is sewn on ... I just have to hand sew it to the back. I hope that I can at least accomplish that this week and get it in the mail once I am mobile again!

  • My Miniature Booty Swap quilt has its top completely pieced. I probably won't get to quilting and binding it until next weekend (at the earliest). I might be coming in just under the wire on this one, but I don't think I'll be late.

Finally, as a spur-of-the-moment thing, we took the kids on an overnight trip to our favorite beach, Wrightsville Beach NC, last weekend. The summer just wouldn't be complete if we never made it to the beach! Here are a few pictures:


  1. Prayers that all goes well. that sounds like a lot to me.

  2. Hope you have a speedy recovery. The beach pictures were great - a cute bunch of kids. You've bee busy with your blocks - I really like them especially the cross stitch one.

  3. Best wishes on your surgery!! I hope you recover quickly and can get back to quilting.

  4. Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer (Young Adult Fiction, if you like Harry Potter, you'll enjoy it!) You can probably get them from your library, possibly even in audio format.

    Firefly, TV Series, only 11 episodes were aired, they are available along with 2 un-aired and a movie "Serenity". These are a futuristic, Space Pirate / Space Cowboy type series by Joss Weadon (maker of Buffy, The Vampire Slayer).

    Sherlock Holmes staring Jeremy Brett. GREAT series! TV and feature length. All but a few of the Sherlock Holmes stories were filmed with Jeremy Brett as the quintessential Sherlock Holmes!

    Palette Generator -

    HTML Color Match Tool -

    So. There's some reading, watching, and surfing for you to play with!

    Good luck on your Speedy Recovery!!!

  5. I hope that you surgery goes well! Do you have any quilt binding to do? I could lend you some if you need it to keep busy. :)

  6. Good Luck with the surgery,John, and a Speedy Recovery !!

  7. Good luck, John! Hope everything goes well and you bounce back quickly!
    Just finished "Water for Elephants" and loved it. Definitely a recommend!

  8. I have been reading your blog for a couple of weeks and have totally enjoyed it.

    I wish you the best on your upcoming surgery. My husband who is 47 has had the same hip replaced 3 times in the last 2 1/2 years so I can understand your anxiety. All will be well.


  9. I'm sending up double prayers for you. I think it might be great if you posted about your progress so that some thinking about doing this type of procedure will know what to expect....Just a thought. did you get the pics of your family in rows like that????It's really neat.....I need to know...LOL

  10. Ouch! I hope you have a speedy recovery! Hmmm... I would probably do a lot of mindless internetsurfing, and watch a lot of tv...

  11. Take good care. Hope all goes smoothly and the good drugs keep the pain away! I'll be thinking of you.

  12. Good Luck to you. I hope the computer keeps you buisy. I hate beeing layed up.

  13. Good luck!!!


  14. Hope all goes well today with your surgery. Sounds like you've got some good reccommendations for things to do. Hope you can enjoy the rest and that your recovery goes quick.

  15. I hope the surgery went well. Have fun surfing the blog world! :-)

  16. Hope the surgery went well and that you aren't too uncomfortable. Take care :o)

  17. I hope everything is going well. I wish you the best.

  18. I hope your surgery went well! Enjoy your browsing time :)

  19. Here's to a speedy recovery! And enjoy surfing & chillin'. When my husband was laid up last summer with a broken foot he really enjoyed watching the entire Briscoe County Jr. series. We loved that show when we were dating!

  20. Hi John:

    Steve & I will add our prayers for a quick recovery to the rest that are coming your way.

    You were pretty brave opting to have both knees done at the same time. . . but I can understand that you probably just wanted to "get on with it".

    Take care & Listen to your wife, AND the doctors. . . . LOL

    In peace & pieces,

    Sherry V.
    (and Steve)

  21. How is it going? Haven't heard much out of you.

  22. Hope all is going well on the recovery end! loved the photos of the kids at the beach...looked like a blast!
    well wishes...

  23. My name is Marcy Barnes and i would like to show you my personal experience with Vicodin.

    I am 23 years old. Have been on Vicodin for 3 months now. Is very relaxing, is the perfect medice for pain and eit calms you and mellows you down the best

    I have experienced some of these side effects -
    constipation, dependecy, nausea and stomach pain at morning.

    I hope this information will be useful to others,
    Marcy Barnes
