Sunday, November 23, 2008

SuperCrazyBusySwapMonth continues ...

Nothing of my own to show tonight, but I will show off two recent swap quilts that I have received in the past week.

First, a little quilt from Kimmie from the Swap 'Til You Drop group. The theme for November was two-color quilts. Kim stepped up to the challenge!

Here's a photo that Kim took that shows all of the other loot she included in the package.

I also received my ALQS2 quilt. This one came from one of few other male quilters that takes part in these swaps, Tanner. It was so great to receive something made by another guy quilter!

Tanner also included two pieces of really great fabric featuring dogs. I forgot to bring them when I took these pictures, but I'll try to photograph them soon.
Thanks, Kim & Tanner! I truly appreciate the hard work you've put into these beautiful quilts and I'll cherish what you made for me.


  1. I love the ALQS2 quilt you received! I'm off to check Tanner's blog now!

  2. These are both beautiful! You are going to have such a beautiful collection of mini quilts!

  3. Love that pieced backing on Tanner's.

  4. Love love love that two color blue quilt!

  5. Speaking of dogs - we haven't seen Clancy in a long time. How about a picture? N
