Sunday, February 15, 2009

New VQB Sign-ups

It's official: the virtual quilting bee bug has bitten, and it's running rampant like a virus throughout blogland. Personally, I think it's great to see so many people who are interested in connecting with new quilters around the world and truly collaborating on something that can be treasured for years to come.

Because I know a lot of you who read my blog have expressed interest in the SewConnected groups, I wanted to alert you to two new bees that have recently posted calls for interested parties:

  • Rachel over at P.S. I Quilt has opened up her new bee, called bee inspired. Cute name, huh? And get this: just for letting her pick my brain about running a virtual quilting bee, Rachel surprised me with a new (and much needed) blog header. Isn't it great?? If you're reading this on Google Reader or Bloglines or something, click over and take a look. Thanks so much, Rachel! (Rachel was also thrilled to hear that my wife has been bugging me to read the Twilight series, and I finally caved. I'm about done with book 2 already). This one looks like it's filling up fast (if it hasn't already).

  • Sarah from Sarah's Corner is also looking for a few good quilters to round out her new group. Head on over and say "hi" to Sarah for me.

If you're at all interested in joining one of these groups, check out Rachel & Sarah's pages for more info. Of course, I'd highly encourage joining up -- they're a great way to try new things, practice new skills, meet amazing and inspiring people and, oh yeah, they're a ton of fun, too!


  1. Hey John, love your blog. Hope I make it into either of these quilting bees!

  2. I was telling Rachel that I was really tempted to join hers, but I am already in 3!!!

    The header is awesome.

    The Twilight series is great. I read it back in the day before it got so much hype, but the hype is all worth it, in my opinion. You will have to tell us what you think of it.

  3. hey hey hey
    thanks for the shout out!!!

    your new blogger header rocks.
    *wink wink*

  4. HEy! I like the new header! She id d a nice job!

  5. Thanks for the info! I love all the work you have been doing with the "string" blocks. I am part of a group that makes these blocks for charity quilts. Check them out @ and maybe you can get some more ideas.
