Monday, February 8, 2010

I've been baking ...

Moda Bake Shop

Check out my newest project, posted today over on the Moda Bake Shop! I hope you like it.


  1. I don't just like it, I love it!! Fantastic, job well done!

  2. Brilliant, just brilliant! Great Tut, I might have to break into my stack of FQ's now (*g*)

  3. I am loving the quilt you baked up and wondering what honey buns/charm packs my local shop has! Fantastic job! I'm off to a retreat this weekend and think I will take this quilt pattern with me!

  4. That's a great pattern design! I love how your quilt came together... great fabrics!

  5. Looks so difficult and seams so easy to do with your tutorial. You did a great job! I love this quilt! Thanks for sharing - an other project for my wishlist.

  6. Congrats on your 2nd appearance!

    When I first clicked on the screen, the skirt tutorial came up. I thought how interesting, but unlike you. Then I realized that yours was the beautiful quilt! (The skirt would have been fine also.)

    Anyway, great job!

  7. nice variation of a 9 patch! lots of color in one block.

  8. wow!! looks awesome...and very fun! This is one I'm adding to my stack of patterns to try! :)

  9. Ooh la la! I love it ... great pattern design and tutorial!

  10. Great pattern, John! Congratulations!


  11. Congrats to your 2nd baking adventure! I have never seen this pattern, but really like it - including the very detailed instructions. Thank you for sharing your talent!

  12. Congrats on another great recipe! You could have some fun with that one.

  13. I saw the recipe on Moda's Bake Shop and like it. Maybe not the easiest one but the result is worth it!

  14. Love it!! So glad I found this because I want to make a quilt for my son's first birthday. This is just perfect!! Thanks for the inspiration!!

    BTW love your blog, and I think you're one cool dad!!

  15. Wow!!! I love this quilt!! It's very funny!

  16. Loved your Moda Bake quilt.....think I will try it ....thanks for sharing, it is a great quilt.

    This is the first time I have seen your blog. Love your quilt idea's you have posted. Will be checking back often.

  17. Fantastic quilt! Just the project that I need right now, thanks so much for sharing! Very nice!

  18. Hi there! Just found your blog from Moda Bake Shop! I love what I've seen so far. I too have 20 month old twins and a 5 year old. Your quilts are very intricate! I'll be looking forward to seeing more of your blog!

  19. Love it!!! Thanks for the inspiration and awesome directions! I am planning to make two of the blocks for pillow tops for my sister who is getting married in the spring! I finished the first one. It's "twin" will hopefully come later this week.
    Trying to figure out how to show you a picture....

    Abbie in Durham, NC!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Hey Jon! I put two pics up at the modern quilt blog for the triangle area.

  22. Absoultely gorgeous !! Definately on my list to make.

  23. I have been hoarding my precuts from Moda waiting for the right quilt pattern and I think I found it! Thanks for the great pattern and tutorial! ~ I also wanted to say that I'm a mom of eight month old twins (boy/girl) and a five year old (boy). Now to find time to quilt...

  24. I love this quilt! I am planning on doing this in the next couple of week!

  25. Love it- thanks for the tutorial. I am excited to try. What I really want to ask though is about those circles on the did you do that?!? Do you have a tutorial/ resource you would recommend for that?

  26. I just found your blog and I absolutely love it! I referenced you at my blog and your inspiring house block - hope you don't mind. Have a great day and thanks for sharing your beautiful work!

  27. John, I saw this and was stunned. The colors, design...just loved it all! I had intended to print out the instructions and make one for myself.

    I'm so happy for you! Great work!

  28. Hi, just popping in from Hobart, Tasmania. Love the quilt.

    Just have to add, the verification word for the comment is 'farto'. Yep, that's right, farto!

  29. First I have to say I love your blog. You are such an inspiration!

    I saw the awesome notebook you made for imagingermonkey. Do you have a tutorial on how to make them? I would love to make one. I love notebooks! :D

  30. John,

    Your project looks great and I appreciate other male quilters.

    Also, if you want to check out some other great projects, go to

    My mom and I started a new online quilting community, and we would love to have you check it out and review it on your blog.

    At you can talk with other quilters or learn new patterns for projects and borders. The site is fun and most importantly FREE!

    We would appreciate you taking the time to give the site a look!

    This site is built on YOUR input and we look forward to hearing it!

    Have fun! Enjoy! And happy quilting!



  31. Loved this quilt the moment I saw it, and came up with an excuse to make it right away! Since my new year's resolution is to use up my stash, I ended up cutting my pieces out of a 15-fat quarter pack I had on hand. Worked great! Anyway, do you have any tips for easily making sure that the squares line up again when you insert the sashing in the squares?

  32. Hi:) I am new to quilting and found you while looking for good ideas with easy instructions. I love this quilt and am excited to give it a try.

  33. I am sitting here at my computer with my mouth wide open totally in awe at all the quilts and blocks that you do. I cannot imagine how you get this done. The only explanation is that you don't sleep. I do have a question to ask you. I just started a blog and I'm amazed at how complicated such a simple thing is. I keep having to upload new software just to do a small task, although nothing seems simple. Is there a book, article, etc. that you could recommend that would help me. I need help with quilting too but only time will give me that and I'm 20 years older than you and a beginner quilter but I love it and try to do it every spare minute. Any advice you could offer a new blogger and a new quilter would be appreciated. Thank you.
    Minna aka

  34. What a fun design using layer cakes! I loved the Wonderland collection! I'd like to share a link to your tutorial on, on February 15!

  35. Wow. i love it. I am definitely going to put it on my list of patterns I have to make. Fabulous!

  36. Great job!

    Hey, I gave you a shout out on my blog today, check it out!

  37. John - very cool! I love the colors!

