Tuesday, April 13, 2010

2 years? For reals??!

Holy wow. On a total lark this morning, I had the urge to go check the date that I posted for the first time here on my blog. And you know what? It was on April 12th, 2008. Two years ago YESTERDAY!! Kinda weird that I felt that need to check, huh? And yep, that quilt there on the left is from my 2nd ever blog post.

Although I hate that I missed the actual day, I still think it's worth celebrating. And you all know how we celebrate things here in blogland, don't you?

Yep, with a giveaway!! And I've been thinking it's high time for a giveaway around these parts anyway. It's been a while.


First, quite frankly, because I haven't even thought about what I could give away. But also because there are a TON of great giveaways going on right now. Julie, Ryan, Emily, Vanessa, Jackie, and Kelly are just a few bloggers that are currently running some awesome giveways. Julie even rounded up some others and you can see the full list here. Check them out!

So I can afford to wait a bit. I know for sure that I'll make something original and homemade as my giveaway prize. Knowing me, I'll probably throw in some fabrics. And some other goodies, too.

(Warning -- shameless solicitation ahead.)

Want to help me celebrate? I'm happily accepting birthday gifts -- not to keep, but to give away to my readers! I'd love it if you'd let me give away something of yours, too.
  • Crafters -- want to offer something homemade, or a fabric bundle from your stash?
  • Etsy shop owners -- care to donate something from your shop, or a gift certificate?
  • Longarm quilters -- I'd love to offer your services as a giveaway prize.
  • Blog designers & service providers -- bloggers LOVE a makeover!
  • Designers -- have a new or upcoming line that you'd like to share with a lucky winner?
  • Fabric shops -- you KNOW that items from your stores and/or gift certificates are wildly popular items!
  • Fabric manufacturers -- ditto to the above.

So if you're interested in bringing something to the party, please let me know. I can be reached at adamsjohnq@gmail.com.

Have a great day!


  1. Happy 2ns blog birthday, John! I'm a faithful lurker on your site. Looking forward to what I know will be a great giveaway. Thanks for all the quilt inspiration!

  2. I love that you say "For Reals" That is so awesome!!
    Congrats on two years of inspiring others, that is a BIG milestone.

    If you need donation I am happy to help with anything from my etsy shop, take your pick on what you think might be fun. www.getsassed.etsy.com

    Congrats again John!!

  3. congrats!!

    i just got 2 super cool pillows in the mail.. i'll donate them... just kidding!! but i'll think of something... ;-)

  4. congrats on 2 years, john!! that is awesome!! i'd be happy to donate a fat quarter set from my shop. :)


  5. Congrats! I'm a faithful follower and your blog - and your quilts! - have been guides as I navigate this wonderful craft world myself. :)

    Because you've been such a source of inspiration, I'd be happy to put together a little "scrap pack" to give away.

  6. John,
    Congrats on your 2 year blog birthday!

    Thanks for posting the links to other blogs. I have added at least one or two to my google reader.

    Love the blog,

  7. Has it been that long? I swear, I've been reading almost that long...which is also a long time! Congrats! ;)

  8. happy blog birthday

  9. Congratulations on your blog's 2nd birthday.:) I have no idea how you can keep up with all the blog writing, quilting and swaps you do!

  10. Happy 2 year blogversary John!! You are a "for reals" inspiration!

  11. Happy Birthday you 2 year old. Have a great celebration. Would love if you explain flickr to a new blogger.

  12. Wow! Congrats on two years!
    I would be happy to donate some Longarm Quilting Services. :)

  13. Congrats Jon! I've been loving watching your projects and fun and can't wait for more!!!

  14. Two years....whoa....confreakingrats!:)

    I emailed you!;)

  15. Congratulations on two years of inspiring others!

  16. Congrats on you Second Blog Birthday!!!

  17. I just know I have 100 3x3 squares I won't even miss! (Actually, I will make it nickles if there are that many in the box.)

    I cut all of my scraps the minute I am done with projects, I store them all ready to use.

  18. Hi John! Just found your blog via flickr Modern Quilters group. Your quilts and your family are lovely! I am extremely jealous of all of you who are going to Quilt Market! Have a blast and keep us in the loop on all we're missing ; )
    I'll go over to twitter and be your peep...I'm iheartfabric.
    Have a good one dude!

  19. I recently started reading your blog recently. I was hooked in by the name "Quilt Dad" mostly because my son calls his dad "Pete Dad" and it reminded me of that. Of course, it's a great quilting blog, so I keep following it! Congratulations on 2 years!

  20. Hi John!

    Congrats from Germany!!!! It´s great to find a human beeing, that´s not female and has a quilt-blog!!!!

    Best regards,
    curlysue - Susanne

  21. Hey John... Congrats!! Thanks for the mention too. I would be happy to contribute! Just send me an e-mail.

  22. I wish I was as talented as all you quilters.


  23. first of al congrats and your 2 years of bloging!
    that date: 12/4 is special day for me to since it was my sons 3rd birthday!
    i wish that i could donate something to your party, unfortanatly i am in a no sewing periot of time... and i hate it.. but life taks over some times
    but hopfully next year i would love to donate something for your next party
    so good luck and you are a amazing quilter

  24. Happy anniversary John! after accidentally deleting my bloglist (stupid I know!), I am getting back to reinstating everyone so bit out of touch but still caught it (almost) in time.

  25. Happy 2 years! That means my winning your doll quilt must be just about that long ago. I think you were just starting to quilt seriously about then.

    It's still looking good on my wall. *S*



  27. Wow, John such wonderful giveaways for a few lucky responders...we truly don't deserve this generousity. My only comment to you would be to quit your day job and do this quilting thing fulltime! You have a great attitude, greater ability, and the 'guyness' of your blog is much needed in the quilty world.

  28. I love the block you made for Tacha!
    Congratulations on your 2-year blogiversary and thanks for the exciting giveaway.

  29. Hi John,

    Love your blog and congrats on 2 years. I love your fabric choices and use of color. Thanks for sharing about your quilting life and family!

  30. Hi John-

    I just recently found your blog - great site. Thank you for all of the inspiration.

    I am amazed that you maintain a blog and quilt...
    you must have good time management skills.

    Congratulations on 2 years and thank you for taking the time to share your talent.


  31. I just found your blog too and it's "NEAT-O"
    What I love most of all is that you "Actually Blog" I've been disapointed with bloggers who R really awesome and they get you going and they all of a sudden they fall off the face of the earth.:). But you keep me comming back for more ideas and thats "Neat-O" keep on a blogging congrats! Jackie Smith
