Friday, April 16, 2010

DQS8 quilt made for Scott

Following up on my last post about the Doll Quilt Swap 8, here are some pictures that Scott took of the mini quilt I sent to him.

My DQS8 Quilt | Made for Scott
(grrr ... just noticed that the mosaic cut the pictures off somewhat. Jump over to Scott's blog post to see the full pics!)

I was so glad to hear that he liked it! As I mentioned, I tried to keep the design fairly simple in order to showcase a funky mix of blue prints, sashed in a neutral solid linen. I then embroidered the name of Scott's blog, Blue Nickel Studios, on the linen strips.

Thanks to everyone that requested (demanded?? -- I'm lookin' at you, Joan & Dolores!) to see pics of the final quilt.