Saturday, October 1, 2011

Quilt Uber-Fest | Block 1

Welcome to the Quilt Uber-Fest, organized by my friend Scott Hansen of Blue Nickel Studios! I'm excited to be hosting the first block of this fun quilt-along. Want to learn more about the Quilt Uber-Fest? Check out Scott's post here.

Quilt UberFest | Block #1

Throughout the month of October, 16 different bloggers will each be posting a free quilt block pattern on their site. To unify all of the blocks, we've all come up with designs integrating elements of log cabin blocks and half-square triangles, and ours will all be made from a selection of prints from the upcoming Sleeping Beauty line by Nel Whatmore for Free Spirit Fabrics along with some Kaffe Fassett stripes and a print or two of each designer's choosing (though you can, of course, quilt along with any fabrics that you choose.)

Quilt UberFest | Block #1

I'm kicking the quilt-along off with a fairly basic, beginner-friendly block that I'm calling Taking Flight, and I've made the pattern available in PDF form. Download the full PDF.

Quilt UberFest | Block #1

I hope you enjoy it! I can't wait to see what you make. And if you're quilting along with us, please be sure to add your blocks to the Quilt Uber-Fest Flickr page.

Tomorrow's block will be posted by my friend Kaye Prince over on her blog, Miss Print. See you there!


  1. Sounds fun. I'll try to join in if I possibly can. Love the first block already. : )

  2. Love your color choices! Nicely done.

  3. Love this....and thanks for the PDF, too. Makes it so easy to keep up with the patterns. :)

  4. John ~ I am so glad to have found your blog. I have been attempting to recruit my son into the wonderful world of quilting...he is very artistic and has a great mathematical mind (great for figuring out patterns). I love your block and your choices of fabric. Thanks for sharing your pattern!!!

  5. Love this block.I have downloaded it thanks.

  6. Nothing like starting a day behind, but sounds like a lot of fun!

  7. Hi neighbor! Your block is so fun!!

    I wanted to invite you over to my blog so you can link up with the other male quilters for the Men Quilt Too show! Hope to see you over there! :)

  8. I can have a lot of fun with a bunch of these blocks!

  9. Neat idea to combine the two blocks like you did.

  10. Oh, I love this block, John! Look forward to playing with it, looks like some fun possibilities in layout!
    Also, a huge thank you again for your post! You helped make it happen!!!!

  11. John,
    From one quilting dad to another- very cool pattern.
    I am new to the quilting world, and just started a blog ( I'd love any comments about the new site, which is admittedly kindof a rough draft :) See you around! Patrick

  12. Love the colors on this one! Thanks!

  13. just realised I haven't left a comment to say thanks for the block pattern - thanks Quilt Dad - mine is cut out and just waiting to be sewn when my machine gets back !

  14. Lovely block! First time to your blog, the name made me giggle. Directed here by the Toronto Modern Quilt Guild flickr group.
