Monday, May 12, 2014

Beyond Neutral in Modern Patchwork

I'm excited to see that Martingale is so pumped about my book that they have featured it in some advertising! Here is an ad featured in the Spring 2014 issue of Modern Patchwork magazine (available now.) The quilt shown is called Cayucos and it shows off some of my favorite (and long-hoarded) Joel Dewberry prints.


  1. I just love seeing the cover popping up everywhere. I really did enjoy piecing it, and I hope to see it in person now that it's been quilted, at some point. -Meli

  2. Hahaha....I was just looking at the Martingale catalog at work and there you were!:) Congrats dude!

  3. Loving the sneak peeks, and comment number one!

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