Friday, July 11, 2014

Camp Stitchalot

OMG. I am still getting over the massive sewing high that I experienced as a counselor last month at Camp Stitchalot last month. Unfamiliar with Camp Stitchalot? Well, it's only the most super awesome sewing retreat run by Brenda and her all-star team at Pink Castle Fabrics. (You can read more about Camp Stitchalot here.)

First of all, I got to hang out with this chick:

Yep, that's Katy from I'm a Ginger Monkey, one of my very best friends. No, that photo of the two of us is not from camp, but I love it and wanted to share it anyway. Two of my other quilting besties, Laura Jane and Tula Pink, were there too, as were fellow counselors Deborah Moebes (Whipstitch) and Rossie Hutchinson (Fresh Modern Quiltsand a whole gaggle of amazing, beautiful, and talented sewists (too many to name here, but you know who you are!)

Blog followers know that I've been in and out of the sewing and blogging game for the past two years or so, but I credit Camp Stitchalot for full restoring my quilting mojo. Spending such great quality time with like-minded crafters truly refueled my tank. I got a lot accomplished at camp -- and had a heckuva time doing so -- and have been sewing steadily since my return. (Hopefully that will result in more things to share here on the ol' blog!)

Rather than bore you with all the details (that would take hours for me to write anyway), I'll share the story of Camp Stitchalot in pictures.

Looks like the best time ever, right? If you thought that, you wouldn't be too far off.

The setting was the beautiful, rustic, and humorously eclectic Hankerd Inn in Pleasant Lake, MI. It's a fantastic setting for sewing retreats, should you ever find yourself looking for one.

Thanks again to Brenda and her team for inviting me to be a camp counselor. The weekend was capped off by a trip to the kingdom itself, Pink Castle Fabrics, where I emptied my pockets and left with a rejuvenated stash of amazing fabrics. I can't recommend her shop enough.


  1. It was fabulous to meet you! I lived your comment "I have a full life outside if quilting". I can't believe how much you manage to accomplish

  2. This looks incredible and I hope to join one year!

  3. I really really really want to make it to one of these fabulous events. Thanks for the photo recap.

  4. Thanks for all the photos. Camp Stitchalot is on my list, maybe next Spring! and so glad your back to quilting more, the book is such an inspiration!!
