Thursday, August 14, 2014

Space Dust Quilt-along | Week 2

So here I am, getting ready to write tomorrow's post for week 3 of the Space Dust quilt-along, and I realize I never published my week 2 post! I hope you found your way over to Paul's blog, since week 2 was his week to post anyway. Regardless, I was remiss in posting a link to his blog last Friday, and for that I apologize.

I never professed to be proficient at paper piecing, or really even fond of it. In fact, I think I've been pretty vocal here on the blog that paper piecing just isn't my thing. True to form, the Space Dust quilt did not get off the ground easily for me. In fact, on my first pass, I had to trash both blocks A & B due to errors made that simply couldn't be fixed. Here you can see that I was able to complete row 1 without sacrificing any more blocks to the paper piecing gods:

I will say, though, that even on the remaining blocks I had to pick out several seams, had to improvise a bit with "made fabric" when my initial cut wasn't big enough to cover its intended piece, and had some prints oriented backwards and upside down from what I intended. But I eventually brushed all of the cobwebs off and got into a nice rhythm. I might even say that I began to enjoy it.

You can see my full row 1 below:

In fact, upon completing row 1, I was on such a roll that I immediately moved on to the first block of row 2!

So how are your Space Dust quilts coming along?


  1. Looks great! My row 1 is done 6 of 8 blocks for row 2!! Have to take the weekend off for one last camping trip before school starts! And then... Hello naptime quilting!!!

  2. Row 1 is done, two is in the works!
