Sunday, June 22, 2008

First Mini Quilt Done

I think I've mentioned that I joined a Flickr swap group for monthly swaps of 6" - 12" mini quilts. I thought it would be a fun thing to do to practice some skills (namely, binding) and it's pretty easy to get that satisfaction of completing something.

June was my first month and here's what I sent off to my partner:

The binding's kind of a mess on back, but I was getting noticeably better even by the end of this little quilt. This is the first "real" binding I've ever hand sewn! And for those of you that read my blog (all 4 of you!), you might notice that it's an adaptation of a table runner I made back in May.
This swap's a lot of fun -- you should come check it out. I think I'm going to sit July out, though, and try to catch up on a few things.


  1. A little bit of practice goes a long way. That's how I feel about triangles these days. I loved doing the swap, but I may sit July out too. So much going on.

  2. So pretty! Binding is tough, I always mess up the corners :-( Oh well, practice!
    This swap is fun :-)

  3. Pretty quilt, don't worry, the binding will get easier.

  4. Don't be to hard on yourself. We are all beginners at one time.

  5. At least your are attempting mitered bindings. I put that off for a long time and used the butted corners.

    Then a woman in my quilt forum put up a great tute on the mitered ones, and I've never looked back.

  6. I like your little quilt. Your binding is fine - it's done and that's what counts. My binding always looks like someone's chewed on the corners.

  7. The little quilt is cute I really like it. Yes, over time your binding will look better. I am so bad at putting binding on that when I send my quilt out to be quilted I have the quilter put it on. When I do put on my own binding it is only by machine. None of that hand work for me.

    I've been checking out your blog for a little over two weeks now. It is great to see another male quilter. Maybe us guys will have to do some quilting or swapping sometime.

    Kansas City

  8. Practice makes perfect, you will get better as you do more... wish my hubby would sew....I found your blog by hopping around. Stop by and see mine sometime if you like.

  9. try teeny-tiny (1/8") hand stitches for the binding, as the smaller ones will help it to lay smoothely.
