Monday, June 23, 2008

Very Cool Giveaway

I received a tip on a great giveaway on Jackie's blog. She is a longarm quilter that will actually quilt the winner's work! This would be great for my quilt-a-long quilt ... or one of the other 6 or so completed tops that I have now. Visit Jackie's blog for your chance to win!

Speaking of giveaways, I've noticed that I'm nearing my 50th post. Does that call for a giveaway of some sort ... ? : )


  1. I think some of those chocolate tarheels would be just the thing.

    Now if i put up ten more posts right now, is that cheating?

  2. Post 50 is a great time for a givaway.

  3. I waited another day to post again.
    I'm just sending your blog to the person who wrote the binding tute so she can see how pretty my new acquisition is.
