Friday, September 5, 2008

Miniature Booty Swap Quilt

I'm so happy to report that, even with an incomplete address, my Miniature Booty Swap quilt was delivered safely to Becky in Idaho! And here it is:

I was very happy with the way this quilt turned out. By far, I think it's the most well-constructed quilt I've made yet. The binding felt nice and tight with no blunders this time!

I think I've mentioned this before, but I've been trying to make sure I try something new or learn something with each of these little swap quilts that I make. This time, I wanted to try a few new things:

1) to make something rectangular rather than square.

2) to pick out fabrics and design the quilt based solely on my partner's preferences. Becky said she really liked greens and purples. I probably never would have bought this fabric and put it all together for myself, but once I started picking it out I got very excited. And I think the final product is pretty charming!

3) to make and use a pieced backing and a pieced binding! I really enjoyed using both of these techniques, and I think the binding turned out especially well.

After the label on the quilt I received from Marilyn, I'm afraid my labels look pretty cruddy. Well, the edges anyway. Something to work on ...

Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. This is so lovely! I love the back as much as the front. Isn't it fun making pieced backs? It does take a lot longer than just a single piece, but every time I do it, I love the quilt even more. I adore the purple and green together and recognize some of the purple scraps you sent me! I am sure your swap partner is very happy with this lovely quilt.

  2. Found your blog from the Miniature Booty Swap list - love your quilts! The kiddos are cute, too. :D I'm going to add you to my Google reader, hope you don't mind! Look forward to more pictures.
    Anjea in Austin, TX

  3. It looks really pretty! The colors, the pieced binding, the pieced backing, the's all lovely! What a lot of challenges you gave yourself for this one!

  4. I found your blog through my reader as "recommended" and I love what you do, your colors are really fun. Your kids are very cute too, I have two little kids as well, and a puppy :)

    The purple/green quilt looks great! Binding was hard for me to get right for awhile as well, I am slowly improving :)

  5. I think you did a great job. It's fun to challenge yourself by entering swaps. I'm like you about chosing certain fabrics that are just not "me". It's a challenge but you learn from the experience. Take care and I hope you get back on your feet soon.

  6. That's really pretty! You did a great job!

  7. Those colors are great--love the combination! I haven't pieced a back yet but I really want to try it, especially seeing how nice it looks on this one, including the label:) I'm so glad your quilt made it to its destination okay!

  8. the quilt is WONDERFUL! so bright and cheery. I love the pieced backing and binding, too. both techniques I fall back on regularly and LOVE every time.

  9. hi John!! Becky *(the quilt recipient) here - - and I LOVE the quilt you made! I've shown it around to friends and family and all agree it is totally "Me"!! Thank you so much!! Your pictures are much better than those I took of it! :) You are a super quilter! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

  10. I should have picked you as my partner...I LOVE all those colors together! Great job John!
