Monday, September 15, 2008

Swap 'til You Drop | September

I'm a member of another Flickr group called Swap 'Til You Drop. It's another swap for miniature (6-12") quilts with monthly themes. For the group's first month (September), the theme for the month is hearts. The piece I am making is in progress and in good shape, but I'm not ready to share pictures yet. I did, however, already receive my quilt from my partner, and it is wonderful!

Here it is, from Sewz4fun (Denise from MN):

Isn't it great?! I have been struggling with the hearts theme, but Denise interpreted it perfectly ... considering that it can't be easy to make a hearts quilt for a guy and still make it not seem to feminine! The colors are beautiful and the quilting is so cool ... but my favorite part is the pieced binding. Oh, and the sleeve:

It's difficult to convey the quality of the craftsmanship through pictures, but I can honestly say that my first impression of this quilt was not so much the colors or the design (though I love both), but how well this little quilt was made. It feels solid and sturdy, with absolutely no flaws to speak of ... truly professional-level quality, in my humble little opinion.

Thanks so much, Denise! I am so lucky to receive this quilt and this little piece will be cherished in our home.

Now can somebody please help me learn how to say "no" to any more swaps??!! : )


  1. you are a bit of a swap-a-holic, but i can sure see why when you receive quilts like this. there must be a 12 step program for that somewhere!

  2. I find it hard to say no to many things LOL! Wonderful quilt!!! Very manly!

  3. Great quilt, you do seem to be entered into many swaps. It is fun and addicting.

  4. I am only in one swap and having trouble finding time to make that quilt. Not sure how you do it.

  5. Wow, she really did make a successful manly heart quilt. Very nice.

  6. Oh, that did come out nicely! I had a hard time keeping up with one swap, and had feelings of inferiority, so I would be no help!

  7. I need to get off the swap wagon too. Just for a little while so I can finish some UFO's. Right after I wind up the 3 that I'm in!

  8. I still owe you a sleeve tutorial, I haven't forgotten!

  9. You get the neatest swap packages! I love this one, it's completely charming!

  10. Very nice! You receive the neatest mini quilts!

  11. Sending some bloggy love here, as chickenfoot would say...

    I for one am glad you didn't "just say no" to our group (swap til you drop) because we would miss you. Can't wait to see your finished quilties.
    (p.s. your girls are too cute... I have a son and it would be fun to have girls around especially for making them doll quilts (happy belated b-day to them).. :-)

  12. I just found your blog. What a great manly heart quilt. I've looked through your blog and your work and color sense is terrific!

  13. Great new layout! I still have yet to kick start my blog -_- I can't say no to swaps either so I can't help ya :P But everything you've received and made is beautiful!

  14. It IS wonderful! And the blanket stitching on the label is one great idea also.

  15. That is a great little quilt. I love the hearts and the label is so neat. I always have trouble with the labeling part but that's an excellent idea. Take care.

  16. what an awesome quilt you received! your wife must love all these little goodies you get in the mail...assuming you share them :)

    as for saying no to swaps....good luck! i really have a tough time with it, but with soooo many ufo's stacking up, i finally had to! Maybe once im caught up, ill jump back in again! cheers~

  17. That is a really fabulous, yet manly heart quilt I love the quilting. She did an amazing job. I am so impressed!

  18. Why say no?! Here's another one that looks cool!!!! a Christmas Ornament Swap! Do it! I'm just as much of a swap-o-holic as you seem to be!

  19. You are one amazing swapper- John!
    I understand the problem of saying No-
    By the way,
    I am no longer without a blog. If you would like to see it you can find it at:

    Hope your knees are feeling better and healing up, Quilt dad!
    Regards from
    Quilt mom
    ( Anna)

  20. Wow, a guy that quilts, I just had to read your blog. It is lovely, your kids are gorgeous too. Happy stitching, Julie.

  21. oh my what a wonderful little quilt!! i just love it!!

  22. Hi John:

    Ok, I know you WANT to say NO to swaps. . . but did you see that Doll Quilt Swap 5 has opened???

    LOL, I'm a glutton for punishment too. . .and I'm already on the list!

    Have a pieceful day,

