Sunday, May 31, 2009

My Giveaway Winner!

I just closed the polls and topped out at 439 comments. Wow. Thank you all for leaving such nice, inspiring comments. I'm glad so many of you found my blog through the giveaway, and I hope you'll come back every now and again!

And now for our winner ...

Take it away, Mr. Random Number Generator!

#22 - Anne, who blogs at Away to Me:

OpenID awaytome said...

That would be great with a moleskin to sketch in!

May 27, 2009 7:58 AM

Perfect! Anne, I'll be in touch to get your mailing address shortly ... and then the bookkeeper and Moleskines will be on their way to you!

Thanks again to Sew Mama Sew for hosting another successful Giveaway Day, and
thanks to all of you who came by and entered my little giveaway.