Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sewing Studio Decor

Cute hooks, no?

On sale now at Pottery Barn.


  1. Oh crap - those are too cool. Why'd you show me that? You know full well there's no pottery barn in the UK. Bad man.

  2. You are so bad! I ordered some. Shipping is free BTW.
    Thank you John.

  3. ooh, that's fun and I have a PB gift card burning a hole in my pocket :)

  4. ...or you could check your local thrift store for wooden spools and screw them to the wall... Might be a little cheaper! My mom bought a ziploc full of them for $3 recently.

  5. Love those hooks. Thanks for sharing. Love & blessings from NC!

  6. Sometimes I feel like such a dolt when it takes Pottery Barn to come up with an idea as simple as this. It's like they had team building and one of the exercises was to come up with as many ways as you could to use leftover spools... It's so cute!

  7. Finally - a use for all those wooden spools my grandmother saved and that I can't bear to just throw away - thinking surely they're good for something!!! They'd make cute drawer pulls, too.....

  8. You are definitely an enabler! Gotta have them!

  9. Love these! Gotta go place an order right now...

  10. Looks like you just made sales at PB hit the roof! I for one, love them too but might just make my own from some old ones I picked up recently.

  11. Those would look great in my sewing studio for all kinds of stuff. Bet you could make your own though!

  12. Sign up for weekly evening Sewing Group Thursdays, 7 -9pm at Woodlesford All Saints Parish Hall embroidery machine
