Thursday, April 1, 2010

Doll Quilt Swap 8 | Manquilters unite!

Another round of the popular Doll Quilt Swap has come to an end. Though I wasn't a "swap papa" this time around, I certainly didn't want to miss out on the fun.

Here's the mini quilt I received from fellow guy-quilter Ryan (of ImJustAGuyWhoQuilts fame). Ryan has become a good friend of mine in the blog & Flickr worlds, so it was so nice to receive something that he had made. He knows my tastes -- and especially my love for all things Joel Dewberry -- quite well. I absolutely love his mini take on the Denyse Schmidt Single Girl pattern -- single girl for the married guy, I guess? And it matches the swap pillow I received a few months back!

DQS8 Received!

Ryan recently had some funky quilt labels made at Spoonflower -- pretty neat, eh? The label is shown here against the awesome County Fair backing.

DQS8 Label

Thanks so much, Ryan -- I hope you know how much I love this little quilt!

Our swap mama Kimmie apparently had some fun this round, because not only did she match Ryan to be my secret partner, but she paired me with the 3rd guy in the entire swap: Scott Hansen of Blue Nickel Studios! (And, to complete the chain, she had Scott send to Ryan ... so the three of us had our own little manquilter swap of sorts.) Oh Kimmie, you're too funny!

Unfortunately, I broke one of the cardinal rules of blogging and didn't take a picture of the final quilt I made for Scott. I was a bit behind schedule, in a rush to get the quilt in the mail to Scott, and we had rainy weather in NC ... all combined to keep me from getting any good photos. Here are some "in process" pics that I had taken as a sneak peek ...

DQS8 Sneak Peek

I combined linen with an eclectic mix of prints in blues & greens for Scott, trying to match the aesthetic he seems to like. Mine turned out a bit more minimal than Scott's work, but I hope he likes it. If you can envision it, I embroidered "blue nickel studios" on those three linen bars.

DQS8 Sneak Peek

I am hoping that Scott will get some good pictures of the finished quilt. If so, I'll be sure to point you all there to see it!


  1. The quilt that Ryan made for you is so cool! And I love the fabrics for your quilt for Scott. "Manquilter" made me lol... like "manbroidery." :)

  2. Isn't that a football (soccer) club in England? Oh, wait, that's Manchester United. Sorry :)
    Super cool minis all around!! I hope next time Kimmie lets you manquilters out to share your talents with the rest of us!

  3. can't wait to see the final pictures of your quilt and the quilting.

    The quilt label idea is such a great use of Spoonflower. I am definitely going to be using that idea.

  4. Fun stuff! I'm so curious now to see your finished quilt for Scott. I've done it too, though. In a hurry to get it in the mail, no time for photos and sorry about it later! Keep us posted if he posts.

  5. Manquilter here too! Awesome mini' the Denyse Schmidt inspired all the cool, mod fabrics too...lots better than the kansas troubles around here...ciao, marc

  6. I have been waiting and waiting to see a picture of your doll quilt and you mailed it?:O Running out of time and raining it not a good enough excuse!;) I want to see what you make no matter the weather!;) Yes, please get Scott to take a picture....soon because that sneak peek is awesome!!:)

  7. Hey John! I see you used some of that spoonflower fabric in Scott's quilt. I keep forgetting I have some stashed.

    It's funny that you decided to embroider blue nickel studios on his quilt because the same thought happened through my mind when I was making yours. I wanted to embroider quilt dad in the upper right corner, but opted for the empty ring instead.

    Hope you find an awesome space for a studio in your new place. Take lots of pictures!

  8. You'd better (direct us to pics if posted by Scott)! I want to see it!

  9. Very cool, where did you get the blue fabric with the faces for your quit for scott?

  10. Just heard of you today at our first Cincinnati Modern Quilt Guild meeting! One of the ladies had made a few of your blocks and was raving about you. SO great to see your stuff and see what you're doing.

  11. I had to laugh when I saw that quilt on your blog. I kept going back to it to drool on Ryan's blog. I think it's great that she paired all you guys up :)

  12. I am so AMAZINGLY behind on my blogging..I haven't posted a picture of the quilt you sent yet, I know bad, bad me...but I do love it John, and I like the blank linen space...I will probably fill it up with beads and buttons when I get in a hand sewing mood...I will post it ...this month? :):)
