Sunday, September 18, 2011

Authentic Mini Quilt | Mini Quilt Monday!

Authentic Mini Quilt

So I'm just squeezing in under the wire, but I wanted to get this posted in time to link up to Faith's Mini Quilt Monday series on her blog, Fresh Lemon Quilts! I figured it was a great opportunity to blog about a mini quilt that I recently completed, and the swap for which I made it.

Authentic Mini Quilt

A couple of weeks back, Sharon (who blogs at Craizee Corners) asked me if I'd like to be a guest blogger this month on her blog in celebration of Sweetwater month. Sharon likes to feature a fabric designer each month, and invites her friends to come talk about their experiences working with that designer's fabrics.

"Sure", I thought. "I love Sweetwater's fabrics, and I'd even like to make something to show off on Sharon's blog!"

Authentic Mini Quilt

At the same time, I was planning a mini quilt for Kait as part of the Triangle Modern Quilt Guild's mini quilt swap -- a perfect opportunity, I thought, to pull out my small but beloved scrap stash of Authentic, Sweetwater's first line with Moda. These scraps were my leftovers from my pillow project featuring the line on the Moda Bake Shop.

I also decided on the perfect pattern for my quilt: the Bay Breeze pattern by Monica Solorio-Snow, a.k.a. the Happy Zombie. It's an oldie but a goodie -- I originally found it in the Summer 2008 issue of Quilts and More magazine. (I've made a mini quilt from this pattern once before -- WAY back when I first starting sewing!)

Authentic Mini Quilt

I really, really loved how this little quilt came out. You can read my full Sweetwater month post on Sharon's blog here, and see Kait's blog post about receiving this quilt here.

I mentioned this quilt was made for a swap, so want to see what I received in return?

Mini Quilt Received!

Julie, a fellow TMQG, made this amazing and beautiful mini quilt for me. Isn't it fabulous? It's made from hexagons -- which she machine pieced! -- from Tula Pink's "Prince Charming" line. (Oh, so she caught on to my weakness for Tula Pink fabrics. I guess I don't hide it too well.)

With those birds added and framed so beautifully with a chocolate brown binding, it's a beautiful addition to my wall decor.

MIni Quilt Label

Thanks so much, Julie -- I LOVE my quilt!

For more mini quilt love, be sure to check out Faith's Mini Quilt Monday series.


  1. That first quilt is quite eye catching and so different. Love it! Sounds like you have your work cut out for you with that to do list!

  2. Both of these little quilts are just fantastic.....I'm off to see if I have that issue of Quilts and More.

    I was hoping my early quilt from you was this pattern, but I see it's Log Cabins. I imagine your "early works" will be worth a pretty penny some day. :)

  3. wow, both of these are fantastic. I love the colors in yours and I love the white birds on the hexies. minis are so fun for trying new things and showcasing certain fabrics. faith's series kind of makes me want to make a bazillion of them.

  4. I like your use of the Sweetwater prints..the rotating squares makes it really geometric. And you are a lucky swap recipient this time, love birds on hexys!

  5. The border on your mini is great!

  6. Love the quilt you made for the swap, and the one you received is fantastic!

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