Monday, November 7, 2011

August & September Quilting Bee Blocks

It's been a while since I blogged about the bee blocks I've been making over the past couple of months. October's will be posted soon -- I'm still working on hand sewing some hexagons, which isn't really my forte -- but in the meantime, let's catch up on August & September!

August was Amy's month in the Bee Tweet group, and she helped us all get into the holiday spirit a bit early by requesting Christmas-themed blocks. One of the ideas on Amy's wish list for a block was little Christmas houses, and I was more than happy to oblige:

Bee Tweet | August

The August block for the Comfort circle over in the do. Good Stitches charity bee was the Greek Cross block, made in blues, greens, and greys. Here are the two I made:

do. Good Stitches | August blocks

Back in the Bee Tweet group, Rachel sent out her stash of Bliss and requested log cabin / square-in-square blocks -- my favorite! I was able to make two blocks for Rachel, though the second block is shy just one log on the bottom to make it square:

Bee Tweet | September (Block 1)

Bee Tweet | September (Block 2)

And finally, Jennifer coordinated September's do. Good Stitches quilt and requested blocks made from Alissa's fantastic tutorial for July in the Modern Block of the Month, found on Sew Mama Sew! Because Jennifer was making two small quilts -- one for a boy and one for a girl -- she requested one block in pink, orange, and yellow, and the other in blue, green, and grey:

do. Good Stitches | September

These blocks look really warped in the photo, but I promise they were straight and square!

Have you guys been having fun in your quilting bees lately?


  1. what bees are you part of?
    local in cary or??

  2. I love those Virtual Quilting Bees! Actually, you also participated in my very first bee, the 'bee inspired' bee run by Rachel Griffith. They give you an opportunity to play around and try out your not-so-comfy-zones and colour choices, without having to make an entire quilt out of it.
    I am currently very busy with my own bee/swap, the 'Geese in a Ring Swap' to be found at Flickr, where we make paper pieced lovely flying geese in requested colours to the other members of our rounds. Come join us for Round 5 - it starts as soon as the remainig spots have been filled and the deadline is first in late February 2012 :)

  3. These blocks are wonderful John. I especially like the second picture down..

  4. It is great to see what you are sending off! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Your blocks look great! I really enjoyed making the Modern Cross blocks. I hope you had a fun time in Houston! I am sad I had to miss the meet up, but hopefully, Houston was good to you!

  6. I have just joined my first bee, the 4x5 modern bee. My mind is swimming with ideas, I have no idea how I'm actually going to choose a block to make, but it sure is an enjoyable dilemma!
